dilluns, 8 de gener del 2018

The new molecule that stops Alzheimer's:

A new molecule, called ASS234, stops the development of Alzheimer's disease and improves cognitive symptoms, as concluded a study with transgenic mice carriers of human genes treated to cause the disease, which has been carried out by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas(CSIC), the Universidad de Madrid and the Universitat Atònoma de Barcelona.
The characteristics of this molecule suggest its use to treat the cognitive deterioration and neurodegeneration underlying the Alzheimer. The study is published in the Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience magazine.
The effect of this new molecule is on the one hand that it blocks the aggregation or deposit in the brain of the toxic amyloid protein, implicated in Alzheimer's disease, and on the other, which stimulates the cholinergic and Monoaminérgica transmission, which improves Notably the cognitive symptoms of the disease.
The new ASS234 molecule, patented and developed by CSIC and UAB researchers, is designed as a hybrid of two known molecules. One is donepezil, which is currently used to treat cognitive deficits of Alzheimer, and the other is an inhibitor of the enzyme monoamine type B. This enzyme is activated in Alzheimer patients generating oxidative stress.

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