These years will be launched the project GR@ACE, the first study in Spain of genomic research on Alzheimer's in terms of number of samples of patients, more than 4,000, that will allow us to identify new genetic targets to treat this disease. The project GR@ACE will be held for three years and has the momentum of "l'Obra Social la Caixa", which used the same 650,000 euros, and Grífols, with a contribution of 600,000 euros. The study is based on the application of genomic technologies of high resolution for the identification of a new generation of genes that provide data in the design of new treatments to tackle the disease. These data will be of great scientific and social value.

The project GR@ACE is part of a line of research a priority for Europe ("Programa Horitzó" 2020) and affects the form in the study of Alzheimer's disease, as it aims to integrative bioinformatics, personalized medicine and the identification of new therapeutic targets. One of the objectives of the study will be the selection of genetic targets for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease using bioinformatic techniques of positioning of drugs. From a strictly clinical point of view, the impact of genomic technologies for the diagnosis and the ability to predict will be of great importance, since, due to its high heritability, it is expected that the genetic characterization of patients with Alzheimer's to generate a change of model diagnosis in the future.
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